Monday, December 17, 2012

My Fall To Grace - Chapter 27

I've just posted on Fictionmania a new chapter to my story being shown there - My Fall To Grace - Chapter 27
 Grace Andrews is a beautiful, confident, successful woman. She could have any man she wanted. She chose Dan Thompson, a successful Washington, D.C. attorney. This second story of mine, that will be released in installments, chronicles their relationship as it grows and flourishes, developing into something perhaps neither one could have envisioned the first night they met in a D.C. bar.  I hope readers enjoy my effort. Readers Note: This is a long story, but it is nearing conclusion.  I'll keep installments coming.  I love getting reader feedback.


  1. Hi Hon, I started reading your story a while back and am slowly making my way toward the end. OMG i love this story. You are quite a writer my dear, your characters are well developed. The detail of each character is sublime. Then there is the story. My god I want to be Dani so bad. I am still fairly early in the story but i must admit i just love it. thanks for writing and sharing it. hugs, regina

    1. Thank you so much Regina. I'm pleased to hear that you are enjoying it. I've put a lot of time into that story, so items a lot to me that people are enjoying it.

      Kiss kiss,

